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Tips to Keep Your Books Healthy

If you were the one whose books looked like they went through a cyclone and just about survived it, you need to follow these tips so that you can help your books survive at least year. It is quite tempting to simply fling a book after a hard day at school or college, or to even fling an entire bag full of books. Sometimes the books or on a journey of their own, without the owner even knowing where the books have been. At times, they just happen to tear and no one can be sure why. In such cases a few easy measures will help you maintain your books looking slightly presentable and most importantly readable!


Cover them Up – Use a brown covering paper, then use the clear plastic cover and make sure to tape all ends. This will not stop your books from the wear and tear, but as soon as the covers start wearing out, change them and keep changing them until you need the book to remain usable or you can just cover them up in a good old newspaper and see how they survive the bad times.


Use a Bag – Do you like to flaunt your books and show everyone what you are studying? It may be time to stop doing that if you think your books need survival help. Put them in a bag and carry them more safely.


Bind them before they fall apart – Getting the books bound to keep them safe has been an age old practice. People use this system so that the pages of a book don’t come lose and the covers remain protected. The best part of the service is it’s done in a whole lot of forms and there is always the quickest way to do it by taping the joined end.

Keep your books safe and see them help you get through the tough times!

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