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Changing Trends of Bookbinding – Then and Now

In the historical times, books were sewed, placed between wooden boards and wrapped with leather covers to keep them safe. The invention of paper made from wood pulp changed the quantity of book production to multi-fold times. Later on, printing as an activity was introduced and this also led to an increase in a number of books produced. Where a printing machine was used to print the ideas and theories, a binding machine was used to compile the printed pages and turned it into a book and used leather cover to protect the printed books. There were different colours of leather being used and also, gold designs were embossed on the covers to make them look more attractive. But, this had its huge costs. In order to protect such expensive books with decorative covers gave rise to tying through chains of books to the bookshelves.

The early phase of bookbinding was done with cold glue and that led to the fragile binding which broke with multiple use of books. Hence, in the 1940s to increase the durability of books, binding was started with hot melted adhesive. Further, in the 1950s, documentation increased due to the development of office management and it became imperative to save those documents.Then came bounding with wires through punch and bind system and spiral binding started.

Technological advancement led to the development of binding and machines were being used. Wires and sewing were replaced by cloth tapes. There were techniques of bookbinding which involved craftsmanship in a shop and also, there were big factory units with large machines that produced bound books in high volumes. This binding activity through large machines came to be known as commercial binding technique. This further got modernized to make books look smarter and safer.

Hardbound cover with high durability came into existence as a commercial technique of bookbinding. Earlier cloth-bound books were used, but later hardback bound books made of thick cardboard were used.

After the hardbound cover came perfect binding which is quite similar to paperback books, we find in stores these days. The perfect binding made cover heavier through layers of papers glued to each other to make it strong.

There is a method of binding that leads continuous thread-wire through pages of paper and is mostly used for keeping children’s other than course-books intact. This technique has been named as coil bookbinding.

So, basis your usage of the book and content, you will be able to organize your papers in your preferred binding type with high quality and affordable pricing. Make sure to get it done by professionals and contact a renowned bookbinding service provider.

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