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Changing Trends of Bookbinding – Then and Now...

In the historical times, books were sewed, placed between wooden boards and wrapped with leather covers to keep them safe. The invention of paper made from wood pulp changed the quantity of book production to multi-fold times. Later on, printing as an activity was introduced and this also led to an increase in a number of books produced. Where a printing machine was used to print the ideas and theories, a binding machine was used to compile the printed pages and turned it into a book and used leather cover to protect the printed books. There were different colours of leather being used and also, gold designs were embossed on the covers to make them look more attractive. But, this had its huge costs. In order to protect such expensive books with decorative covers gave rise to tying through chains of books to the bookshelves. The early phase of bookbinding was done with cold glue and that led to the fragile binding which broke with multiple use of books. Hence, in the 1940s to increase the durability of books, binding was started with hot melted adhesive. Further, in the 1950s, documentation increased due to the development of office management and it became imperative to save those documents.Then came bounding with wires through punch and bind system and spiral binding started. Technological advancement led to the development of binding and machines were being used. Wires and sewing were replaced by cloth tapes. There were techniques of bookbinding which involved craftsmanship in a shop and also, there were big factory units with large machines that produced bound books in high volumes. This binding activity through large machines came to be known as commercial binding technique. This further got modernized to make books look smarter and safer. Hardbound cover with high durability came into existence as a commercial technique of bookbinding. Earlier cloth-bound books were used, but later hardback bound books made of thick cardboard were used. After the hardbound cover came perfect binding which is quite similar to paperback books, we find in stores these days. The perfect binding made cover heavier through layers of papers glued to each other to make it strong. There is a method of binding that leads continuous thread-wire through pages of paper and is mostly used for keeping children’s other than course-books intact. This technique has...

Give the perfect finish to a book with top notch binding services...

In an age where children are learning to read books through kindle and mobile phones, there are still millions of people who stick to the old school format of reading. And, that is through physical books that you can see and touch. Books are like gems to readers and even the slightest of wear and tear can break their heart. However, there are times when you just cannot help, but buy the rarest of books in their most haggard condition. The pages may have been torn in some places and the binding has become loose. In such cases, you should immediately get in touch with a company that offers book binding services. They are like the healer of books and have the ability to bring life back to the book that you have given. There are numerous techniques in which a binding of a book can be restored, but it all depends on the condition of the book. If you see the work of a book binder, you will start believing in magic. Their job is pretty laborious as they have to work with tape and glue and stapes and stitches all the time. In addition to binding books, you will also be able to bind journals, novels and many other documents. What makes this service so popular is the turnaround time. Also, the fact that you can get the binding done from your home is a great advantage. There are various websites that offer book binding services and that too at the most pocket-friendly price. Depending on the condition of the book your service will be charged, but however bad the condition may be, you will not find the charges to be too expensive. There are times when you have a book that is in such a bad condition that the first couple of pages are missing. The pages are also wearing down with age. Most people would think that it would be best to dump the book, but if you opt for book binding services, you will get the book in the best possible condition from that stage. There will be a hardboard cover and the pages will be smoothed so that you can use the book for years to come. The person in charge of the binding will be the best judge to decide which technique...

How book binding can preserve your valuable book...

While paperback books can be more convenient and easy to carry when travelling, hardcover books are more treasured by book lovers for their longevity and superior look. Additionally, the book binding process can be used to convert any paperback book to a hardcover book for preservation. Modern methods including adhesive binding and spines has improved the quality and speed of book binding, imparting a professional and sophisticated look to any book. Here is how book binding can be used to preserve your favourite book: Durability Hardcover book binding imparts strength and durability to your book. You can avail of the numerous techniques of modern book binding to improve the shelf life of your book. Variety of materials Modern book binding uses a variety of materials including leather, paper, and fabrics to encase your book, thus creating a quality binding. The modern book binding materials are suited for any atmospheric humidity levels and climate. Quality finishing techniques You can customize your book binding with a variety of modern finishing techniques including custom leather, embossing, foil stamping, and marbling imparts a superior finish to your book. Additionally, to protect your book from dust, you can use a customized dust jacket or cover that can be put over the hard cover and removed, when not required. Variety of books Book binding is suited for a variety of books including children books, coffee table books, reference books, diaries, and custom-printed books. Additional tips for book preservation In addition to book binding, you can use tips to preserve your favourite set of hardcover books for a long life. Keep your books away from direct sunlight and high humidity. Book pests such as silverfish thrive in storage spaces, which are warm and moist, hence the need to avoid humid areas. Storing your book in any upright position, instead of an angled position, can also increase its shelf life. It is also easier to keep your hardcover book in an upright position. All books, including hardcover books, can be stacked one above the other, provided the stack is not too tall. The use of a quality bookshelf made of metal or sealed wood is good for book preservation, as a bookshelf can protect your books from acidic vapours. Professional book binding services can provide a budget-friendly and customized solution for your collection of...

Modern bookbinding vs old bookbinding: The pros & cons...

Bookbinding is considered to be an art which depends on elements of measuring, cutting and sticking or sewing. A well-bound book is completed by more than two dozen operations, which may increase with customizations depending upon particular style and materials. Traditional manner of bookbinding The first and foremost books known to the humankind were the clay tablets of the Babylonian era, which were scribed with a blunt instrument on moist clay and dried in the sun. It was followed by palm books, which were in actual form like books. These were made out of narrow strips of palm leaves or barks. The writings were scraped on it and filled with lamp black. These stacks of leaves were sewn together using cord or leather thread and wood was used as cover, which was usually decorated with carvings or inlay work and even studded with gold or silver. The arrival of papyrus led to making of scrolls or papyrus rolls, by slitting the plant stems into strips, which were hammered into sheets and polished to make a smooth writing surface. However, the problem was faced due to the brittle nature of papyrus. Since in old times, the books were only transcribed on handmade materials, their sizes and styles changed considerably and there was no consistency in the process. It was only in the fifteenth century that books were bound to the spines connected with hardcovers as are used today. The vellum (or calf-skin), which was used traditionally for bookbinding, usually reacted to humidity in the atmosphere and bloated the book. It was then secured with wooden cover using straps or fasteners. Later this form progressed into the extravagant style, where bright colors, stamps, gold leaves, gems, etc. were used. Modernisation of bookbinding The advent of paper started the process of advancement in bookbinding. It resulted in books being lighter, sewn with silk, bound with cowhide to spines and secured with glue sheets. It was a revolutionary change from the continuous papyrus rolls to the books made up from separate sheets of paper. The invention of the printer and its usage gave the necessary boost to...

Book Binding Techniques – Some Ideas And Tips On How To Bind Books...

If you have several books or reports to bind at the moment, you should consider learning the basics of book binding. Moreover, if you find that the pages of your books or reports are slowly coming apart, it is high time you bound them so that they do not start to shed their pages. Here are some tips and ideas on how to bind books or reports. Know the binding materials If you would like to learn bookbinding, you should consider learning what materials are generally used in binding. This is because certain books need to be bound only with certain types of binding materials. You do not have to try out complicated binding methods, especially if you are a beginning at this. It is important to also know how to stitch the spine or edge of the book since they bind the pages of the reports or books together. You do not even have to use complicated machines in order to bind whatever it is you would like to bind. Staple the pages together If you are not simply satisfied with stitching the pages together, you can even staple them. This is necessary if you are a complete beginner to bookbinding. This will make your papers last longer without letting them get torn. Did you know that comic books are often bound with a staple pins? Even though you may not want to become a professional bookbinder, you should learn some bookbinding techniques since it is a highly useful life skill that can come to your rescue any time. You can also learn to spirally or thermally bind your papers or books so that the papers would never fall out of the binding and also so that your papers are well protected by the new cover you have added to the book while...

The Benefits of Binding Your Thesis Spirally...

Also known popularly as coil binding, spiral binding is a method of joining the cover and the pages of a bound document. The coil joins the pages and the cover of the document. Spiral binding is one of the most popular forms of binding since it is not as expensive as the other forms of binding and is much easier to do so. Here are some of the benefits of spiral binding your document. Accommodates Any Page Count Spiral coils come in a variety of sizes and can easily accommodate any page count. The larger the book, the higher would be the diameter of the coil for aesthetics and function. The coils can either be made of metal or plastic. However, they are preferably made of plastic since they come in a wide variety of colours. Moreover, coils made of plastic resist better than coils made of metal. So, you would need to keep this in mind before going for spiral binding. It Is Readily Available Spiral binding is so appealing that it is particularly used for shorter production runs too. Since it is a straightforward process, it is highly popular. Also, the coils are available in different colours, shapes, etc. to complement a wide range of documents. The Pages Turn Easily The pages of a spirally bound document can turn quite easily when the book is opened. So, unlike the other binding methods, this method has absolutely no spinal tension in them. This allows you to keep the book continually open and you do not have to keep opening the book all the time. You can easily even hang the document on the wall since the document would show least resistance. This is why spiral binding is highly popular with almost everyone. You should, therefore, consider spirally binding your document as compared to any other...

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