The art of hand bookbinding which was in a state of decline during the 40s and the 50s witnessed a revival in the 1960s mainly due to the initiatives of a small number of craftsmen who worked to bring new life to the declining trade. The craftsmen included Edgar Mansfield, Bernard Middleton, Ivor Robinson, Bill Anthony, Hugo Peller, and Arthur Johnson. However, the revival notwithstanding, some of the consequences of the decline still persist. Perhaps the greatest consequence has been the drastic and undesirable changes in the training and work habits of binders which were primarily caused by a general collapse of the apprenticeship programs of the past. This consequence is noticeable even today. In today’s world, hand binders have, evidently, become less productive in spite of the increased know-how at their disposal. This could be due to trainings that emphasize on limited techniques and decision making, instead of speed and skill development based on repetition., an Indian bookbinding company, has a dedicated learning centre, which aims to address this issue. Hand binding plays a vital role in restoring old texts and it is imperative that the craft is practised with precision and speed. Hand bookbinders use a variety of specially created tools. The bonefolder is one such tool. It is used to apply pressure and crease paper. Other tools include a variety of knives and hammers. Brass tools are used during the finishing process. Modern bookbinding by hand deals with the formation of innovative bindings and the repair of existing bindings. In general, bookbinders are active in both fields. Modern hand bookbinders create new bindings made with materials that range from traditional to modern and from basic cloth-case bindings to full-leather fine bindings. The repairs to existing books similarly use a range of techniques, from minimally invasive conservation to the full restoration. Indeed, the most significant area of growth within hand bookbinding in recent times has been conservation, repair, and restoration. This development has been the result of interest shown by groups involved in the collection of ancient texts besides the interest of the craftsmen themselves. As awareness continues to grow regarding the preservation of ancient texts, there has been an increasing demand for hand bookbinding services. For a while now, this trend has continued to gain considerable momentum with no end in sight. Modern hand binders...