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Use Book Binding Services to Restore Old Books

Binding techniques are used to repair damage to existing books. In book binding parlance these techniques are known as conservation and restoration. The conservation technique slows a book’s decay and restores it to a usable state and at the same time the original look and feel either left unaltered or is altered as little as possible. The restoration technique, on the other hand, is used to return the book to its perceived original state. Bookbinders need to ensure that the changes made to a book during the conservation and restoration processes can be undone if such a need arises in the future.

Conservation treatment is used for a variety of books – from the earliest of texts to contemporary books that have undergone heavy usage. The treatment a conservator chooses depends on the book’s value. Restoration, on the other hand is used only for texts that are hundreds of years old. It uses a technique of hand binding with great care and finesse. Restoration also involves the removal of foxing, ink and other stains, page tears, dog ears etc. As it is necessary to preserve ancient texts which are often of great significance, book binding processes are used by a number of societies involved in the study and preservation of ancient texts.

Conservation and restoration of books is especially relevant in the Indian context as ours is a land of rich and varied history – from the Indus Valley civilisation to the modern times and with a lot of history in between – with a large number of ancient texts that are extremely significant. India was the land where the concept of zero was invented. The land abounded with literary figures like Kalidasa and scientists like Aryabhatta. Unfortunately, some of the ancient texts are long lost. A lot of the texts that still remain are in a dilapidated state. Modern technology that is now available can be used to restore these texts. The organisations and societies – both government and non-government- involved in the study of ancient texts have been making some headway in the restoration of these texts. However, a lot more needs to be done. The binding companies in the organised sector can play a very useful role in this regard. In recent times we have seen the growth of such binding companies. One that readily comes to mind is Binding companies like in partnership with the organisations and societies can play a very important role in restoring our ancient texts.

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